We Want Your Stories

Share your story

We’re looking to compile the largest-ever collection of bequest-related stories — and give you and your nonprofit some publicity at the same time.

We will be publishing the stories on PlannedGiving.comMajorGifts.com and on Bequests.com (which we just acquired). Our goal is to teach and inspire. Some of these stories may even be used as examples by presenters nationwide (with your permission, of course). If your story is public, it’s welcomed!

What, exactly, are we looking for?

  • Stories about transformative, surprise bequests
  • Bequests that were challenging to get, but paid off
  • A big increase (or decrease) in bequests to your organization
  • Creative bequest marketing
  • Unusual bequests or unusual donor conditions
  • Stories from donors themselves, about why they made a bequest

In short, we want any bequest-related stories you think are important, interesting, amusing or informative.

Every story we select for this project will be published online. The top three, as determined by our editorial staff, will be published in Giving Tomorrow magazine. The first-place winner will be featured on the cover. And all of them will be promoted on social media, including mentions from our CEO, Viken Mikaelian through his LinkedIn profile.

Do you have a story you’d like to share but you’re too busy to write it? Not to worry. We’ll interview you and do all the work. Want to keep it anonymous? That’s just fine.

What's Your Story

All of our blogs, products and services are proudly conceived, created, reviewed, and disseminated by real humans — not A.I. (artificial “intelligence.”)

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Making Estate Planning Accessible, Simple, Personal, Secure and FREE!

Bequests are up, cash is down. Empower your donors to plan their will and invest their legacy in the cause they support the most.

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