Secure Act 2.0: Legacy IRA (Lite)

It has taken nearly twenty years of persistent lobbying by a handful of key players in the nonprofit sector, and in the end they had to accept some steep compromises, but as of January 1st, if you are age 70-1/2 or older, you can make a direct “rollover” from your traditional IRA into a charitable remainder trust or a gift annuity contract.
Above the Line Charitable Deduction for Nonitemizers?

This could be the moment. After years of lobbying by the nonprofit sector, with multiple bills dying in committee, we might actually get legislation this year making permanent an above-the-line charitable deduction for nonitemizers.
SECURE Act / Note to Clients and Friends

Don’t let legislation paralyze your planned giving marketing efforts.
SECURE Act / Webinar

Your donors will be asking about SECURE, so you’d better know the facts and be ready with the answers — all of the answers. You need to position yourself as an expert resource.
Secure Gifts With the SECURE Act

We are studying the SECURE Act and its effects on Philanthropy. We will release our take and advise effective ways you can shift your marketing focus to raise more and larger gifts.
Philanthropy and Tax Reform
Will the new tax law doom your nonprofit? Or will it stimulate the economy and be a fundraising boon?