SECURE Act / Webinar

SECURE Act / Webinar


This event has already occurred. But don’t worry — if you’re not up to speed on the SECURE Act yet, you’re in luck. You can still get the recording of our Secure Gifts With the SECURE Act webinar here.

WEBINAR: Jeff Comfort with Viken Mikaelian | FAQ Page

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, which passed into law on Dec. 20, 2019, is a fairly new effort to boost Americans’ retirement savings. (And this CNBC story points out why it was sorely needed: “Nearly two-thirds of 40-somethings have less than $100,000 in retirement savings and 28% of those in their sixties have less than $50,000.” Yikes.)

The changes this legislation makes present a number of opportunities — and challenges — for individuals and their families when it comes to retirement savings and philanthropy. Yet the changes also give us a unique opportunity to show how planned giving can be an important tool to meet individuals’ philanthropic goals while also benefiting their loved ones through tax-savvy estate planning.

Your donors will be asking about the SECURE Act and how it could affect their giving, so you’d better know the facts and be ready with the answers — all of the answers. You need to position yourself as a helpful, expert resource.

Huge Opportunities for Planned Giving

This seminar will be a definitive resource for planned giving fundraisers. Jeff and Viken’s SECURE Act webinar will cover the facts and explain how to make the most of the opportunities the act presents, both for donors and nonprofit organizations. Take advantage of this unique event to arm yourself with all the information you’ll need.

The webinar will include plenty of content and action-items.


We’ll cover:

↦ The planned giving opportunities and obstacles of the new laws.

↦ How your donors and prospects think.

↦ What advisors are telling your donors.

↦ What cues to give to donors.

↦ Are the new laws “taxing” your donors?

↦ How do the new laws affect the “rich?”

↦ How do the new laws affect the “average” donor?

↦ And much more …



Categories: Bequests, Estate Planning, Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable IRA Rollover, Planned Giving for Financial Advisors, Planned Giving Marketing, SECURE ACT

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