Give and Take

Forget what you've heard about planned giving. Just do the math. Baby Boomers, who are among the wealthiest and most charitable Americans, are dying at a rate of about 6,000 per day. And unless your nonprofit has a planned giving program, that means about $6 billion in estate dollars is being lost every day. Unless you’re planning to fail, it’s time to reprioritize that marketing budget. By the way, we also "explain" what's a billion. It's an eye-opener.

Learn how to write a simple will, including the cost and examples. Ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes with a straightforward guide.

You’ve seen it before: a nonprofit posts about a successful event on its Facebook page (or LinkedIn, or Twitter, or Pinterest, or…) and racks up thousands of likes and shares. The team high-fives and takes a bow and … then what happens?

Asking an influential member of your community for a large gift is often an intimidating task. While effective donor prospecting can eliminate some of the anxieties involved, tools like a major donor society also go a long way to secure a big ask. Major donor societies provide exclusive, insider access to your highest-dollar donors, generating significant revenue by developing intimate relationships with excellent stewardship.

Learn about the distinct roles of a trustor and trustee in managing trusts. Understand their responsibilities, differences, and how they ensure the trust operates smoothly.

Learn how to create a will without legal assistance. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions to ensure your final wishes are documented and legally binding.

Estate gifts, also known as planned or legacy gifts, are a vital component of many nonprofits’ fundraising strategies. Soliciting bequests or estate gifts can significantly impact an organization’s financial sustainability and long-term success. However, soliciting estate gifts requires a delicate and thoughtful approach to ensure that donors feel respected, valued, and inspired. Here are some essential Dos and Don’ts to guide your nonprofit’s fundraising and planned giving efforts.

Let's face it: Estate planning isn't exactly a dinner table conversation starter. But trust me, it's one of those adulting tasks that's way more important than we often give it credit for. So, what's all the fuss about?

In the realm of estate planning and trust management, the terms "trustor" and "trustee" are often used. However, many people find it challenging to differentiate between these two roles. Both the trustor and trustee play critical parts in the creation and management of a trust, but their responsibilities and functions are distinct. This article aims to clarify the differences between a trustor and a trustee and provide an in-depth understanding of their respective roles.

It may seem silly, but it’s true — and it’s a step many donors forget. A 2019 Special Report from Giving USA found that just 4 percent of donors always report their planned gifts to organizations, and 38.7 percent sometimes inform the organizations.

Understand the essentials of holographic wills and why you might need more than just a handwritten will. Learn about their validity, legal requirements, and limitations.

Probate often carries a reputation for being daunting and intricate. However, this essential procedure plays a critical role in ensuring that a loved one’s wishes are honored after they pass away. Gaining a clear understanding of probate can render the process more straightforward and manageable than it initially appears. Unlock the secrets of the probate process with our comprehensive guide. Learn what probate is, when it's required, and how to navigate it smoothly.

Donating from your retirement assets can potentially save your heirs from double taxation. By making a gift to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, there's no income or estate or inheritance tax due on your retirement plan assets passing to them. Plus, you can also take advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover or make gifts that count as your RMD. And the best part? You can make a big impact on a cause you care about while investing in your own legacy and long-term happiness. Find out more about the benefits of donating from your retirement plan.

Talking to donors about planned giving can be a game-changer for your nonprofit’s future. Planned giving, or including a charitable gift in a will or trust, provides a powerful way for supporters to contribute without impacting their everyday finances. Despite its potential, initiating conversations about legacy giving can be challenging. How do you bring up the topic without feeling awkward or intrusive? How can you convey the profound impact of such gifts while making the process simple and appealing?

A new report from Giving USA shows that despite charitable giving reaching a new high for 2023, inflation took a hefty toll. It proves what we've been saying all along: Planned giving works, and it's a lifeboat in the stormy waters of inflation.

Over 60 percent of all Americans are missing a critical legal document: Their last will and testament. While there are a lot of important reasons to create a will and keep it updated, here are the Top 10.

A lot of donors are leaving undistributed assets in their DAFs — defeating the intent of a donor-advised fund. What's the solution before a government crackdown? Here are some answers.

First-hand accounts back it up. The data proves it. And numbers don’t lie. But despite hearing over and over again that donor stories sell, they still remain one of the most under-utilized tools in planned giving.

As marketing guru Seth Godin says, repetition builds trust, and consistency stands out. Have you ever been annoyed at a company just because it made a change to its marketing or advertising campaigns? Maybe it was a business that switched its slogan for no reason; or maybe it was a firm that did a complete about-face and changed its name to something ridiculous or created a brand-new ad campaign, when the old one was working quite well.

The convenience of sending all those digital communiques zipping through cyberspace with a mere keystroke has caused us to forget some basic rules and best practices about emails — and good communication in general. Here are a few tips that will help your next email not only get read, but make a good impression and maybe even inspire your reader to take action.

If you’ve ever wondered just how important good estate planning is, take a look at this terrifying tale of high-net-worth horror about a family that lost $45 million—nearly half their estate’s value—to federal taxes. The worst part? The massive tax loss could have easily been prevented with some foresight, planning, and expert advice.

As long as technology has existed, there’s been a perception that seniors are not just slow to adopt it, but resistant to use it. Some fundraisers still say things like, “Our donors are all older, so they aren’t online.” Well, we dug into the facts and figures about seniors and technology in 2024 ... and what we learned blows those skeptics completely out of the water.

As you are likely aware, you can avoid long-term capital gains tax while maximizing tax deductions through charitable stock gifting. Read this article to see how the tax savings can stack up.

To fully empower our donors, fundraisers must consider the long-term within the major giving sphere. Think about it - You cultivate, you discover. You steward, you engage. You ask ... and you receive!  You thank … and then what? You drop and move on to the next prospect, the next check?

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Bequests are up, cash is down. Empower your donors to plan their will and invest their legacy in the cause they support the most.

Please reach out. Note: if you give us your mailing address (or PO Box), we’ll send you a complimentary Planned Giving Gift Comparison Chart. 

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