Planned Giving Landing Pages

Seamless Integration with Planned Giving Websites

Your landing page for your planned giving online presence lets you make some sort of an exchange in return for providing a donor’s or a prospect’s contact information. This could be an Estate Planning Guide we can develop for you, or a specialty item your organization normally distributes.

Landing pages are purposely simple in nature.

  • Each landing page covers one topic at a time.
  • Each can have an “offer” such as an Estate Planning Guide. “Offers” are critical as they increase response rates.
  • All landing pages have a video (with a branding option), and some carry a related calculator.
  • Each landing page has a submission form to capture a visitor.

All landing pages and online products come with three (3) complimentary copies of our Ultimate Quick Reference Planned Giving Pocket Guide and Gift Comparison Charts.

Legacy Planner Logo

Making Estate Planning Accessible, Simple, Personal, Secure and FREE!

Bequests are up, cash is down. Empower your donors to plan their will and invest their legacy in the cause they support the most.

A landing page is in a way a follow up to any promises or references you’ve made in your direct mail (such as a planned giving postcard) or echo emails. Its goal is to become the next step toward a prospect to inquire more information about different ways to give or leaving a legacy.

As mentioned above, your landing page lets you make a “trade,” some sort of special give-away, piece of information or booklet, in return for providing (“Quick capture”) a donor’s contact information or raising their level of interest in a simplest way possible.

For this reason, branding of landing pages are limited to:

  • Your logo
  • Contact Information, and
  • Your organization’s name throughout

No further customization is done* (such as navigation changes, your website graphics, editorial revisions, etc. Remember, landing pages are not planned giving websites. They are … just landing pages!

We provide landing page for nonprofits and financial advisors. Topics cover:

  • Gifting vehicles
  • Ways-of-Giving
  • Campaign Follow-ups
  • Donor Recognition

A Huge Plus

We own the domains PlannedGiving.Org and GiftPlanning.Org

This gives us the ability to host your planned giving website and landing pages under these two domains. This alone creates an incredible search engine optimized marketing tool for you.

Arrange a call with a senior planned giving specialist today.