Did You Know – Whining is Good for Donor Retention?

Whining is Good for Donor Retention

Did anyone ever tell you, “Quit your whining?” Complaining is practically second nature for most of us, and some people have been known to raise it to an art form. The thing is, no one likes a whiner, right? Well, think again. In this article, you’ll learn why letting your donors complain can actually be GOOD for your donor retention efforts!

Fearless Asking

Fearless Asking

What kind of “asker” are you? Confident, well-dressed, professional? Or more of a beggar? Someone apologetic, mincing their way through the ask? One type is going to succeed often, and the other will almost always fail. Can you guess which is which? You’ll find the answer — and other great advice on making the ask — on our blog in a guest post from author, public speaker and planned giving specialist Dr. Rebecca Price Janney.

10 Planned Giving Excuses Debunked

10 Planned Giving Excuses Debunked

What’s the big deal about planned giving anyway? When it comes to things we don’t understand, or may be intimidated by, there’s always a reason to avoid taking a closer …