Web-Based Will-Making Software

Online Will Planning

One of the cleverest recent developments in planned giving are online solutions allowing donors to create their own will, at little cost and with no legal intervention. Is this a good idea? What are the advantages (or disadvantages) for nonprofits and development pros?

Getting It All Together: Making Your Will

Happy Couple Making A Will Together

Making a will is a lot easier than you probably think. But like anything, you have to start with the basics. These are the documents you need to get started creating your will; the things you absolutely must account for; and a few things you’ll want to consider.

Final Invoice

Government Agent

The good news is, by creating a will and preparing for the first, you can reduce the burden of the second — both on yourself, and on your heirs. That’s because creating a will gives you the opportunity to put your affairs in order and ensure you’re in control of your own legacy.